About The Gamified Life!

Life is a mysterious thing. Us people, are nothing but a small tiny cog in a system of this world running on its course. All of our actions will turn many, many tiny wheel in the larger picture. And this picture is one that is exceedingly complicated and difficult to understand. A concept that is so huge, that many of us could only get a tiny grasp on, if anything at all. This is why, I came up with the gamified life. This is where I want to slowly put the pieces together with… A game that can open our minds to the horizon and organize it in a way that shows the different angles to our beautiful world, endless possibilities and options that each of us can take control of.

The controller is in your hands.

So on this journey to unravel the secrets of our minds, and put our world in to the logics of this game, I welcome you to come with me! Let’s explore this game together.

Welcome to, the gamified life.

The Gamified Life – Behind the Scene

Everything you see here, is all made by yours truly,


His Responsibilities include:

  • Create the content that you read and watch
  • Taking out the trash on Teusdays
  • Making the background music in the videos
  • Writing scripts and illustrating/animating
  • Uploading Once a month every now and then until he finds more time
  • Rolling up into a blanket burrito for 5 minutes, whenever he gets stressed
  • Underestimating how much time it takes to make content
  • Regrets making videos, but then again wants to make more
  • Realizing how he has no idea how anything works, but still tries to provide value in his videos
  • Sometimes there is no value in his videos, but he still provides
  • Attempting to make sure he eats 3 times a day at designated times
  • Daydreaming, and then falling asleep, to instant regret